Tues April 5 at Nottingham Contemporary
EAT cake, DRINK Coffee at 5.30pm DISCUSSION 6-8pm
Artists’ Voice
And The Mighty Creatives
A discussion about How Solo Artists deliver “Goal 5”
Chaired by Richard Clark, Chief Executive of Mighty Creatives
How we can deliver on the Arts Council's new Goal 5 - that "Every child and young person has the opportunity to experience the richness of the arts"?
An Open Space event designed to share good practice and focus discussion by exploring a series of questions, including:
· What can we learn from overseas cultures to help us deliver this goal?
· What training do artists need to help them work in this sector?
· How do we define "the richness of the arts"?
· What do we mean by "excellence"?
Bring your own questions!
TMC Creative agents may use their CARD days to attend this event. To aid catering arrangements, please confirm your attendance by email to timharris1@ntlworld.com