Monday, March 28, 2011

There is an Alternative

How come property is more important than people? and big corporations are exempt from stuff the poor have to obey? and it's ok to raise fear in people who are watching? Artists Voice needs to start shouting now, talking is too quiet and unlikely to be heard.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

artists voice: The Uncut Society - an unconference event and work...

I went to the UNCUT Conference, sat round a vast table and shared personal impacts of the cuts. Met Helen from Lincoln and we will devise an AIR event in a couple of months. Listened to Anna from TUC and their take on the cuts... It felt very fired up. I wish AV could be as passionate. Last Friday was low key but interesting to facilitate and observe. Maybe the power is not in the numbers but in the strength of feeling. And I feel very strongly......